Cloudflare Turnstile

Turnstile widget

Token-based method to bypass Cloudflare Turnstile. Both the standalone captcha and challenge mode are supported.

There are two different cases that require different approach:

  • Standalone Captcha - the captcha widget is placed on a webiste page, see our demo
  • Cloudflare Challenge page - the captcha is shown on Cloudflare Challenge page

Standalone Captcha

To bypass a standalone captcha you just need to find the sitekey, get a token from our API and then pass it to your target as a value of input element with name cf-turnstile-response or g-recaptcha-response for reCAPTCHA compatibility mode. Also the token can be processed with a callback function passed to turnstile.render call.

Cloudflare Challenge page

This is much more complex case. You should intercept the turnstile.render call and grab the following values:

  • cData
  • chlPageData
  • action

Also you will need to intercept the callback definition and use the userAgent returned from our API.

To intercept the required parameters you can inject the following JavaScript on page before the Turnstile widget is loaded.

const i = setInterval(()=>{
if (window.turnstile) {
    window.turnstile.render = (a,b) => {
    let p = {
        type: "TurnstileTaskProxyless",
        websiteKey: b.sitekey,
        websiteURL: window.location.href,
        data: b.cData,
        pagedata: b.chlPageData,
        action: b.action,
        userAgent: navigator.userAgent
    window.tsCallback = b.callback
    return 'foo'

An another approach is to intercept the request to api.js script and replace it with your own script that returns the parameters and makes the callback acessible globally.

Finally when you received the solution:

  • execute the callback passing the token as it's argument

Task types

  • TurnstileTaskProxyless - we use our own pool of proxies
  • TurnstileTask - we use your proxies

TurnstileTaskProxyless task type specification

Property Type Required Description
type String Yes Task type:
websiteURL String Yes The full URL of target web page where the captcha is loaded. We do not open the page, not a problem if it is available only for authenticated users
websiteKey String Yes Turnstile sitekey. Can be found inside data-sitekey property of the Turnstile div element
action String No* Required for Cloudflare Challenge pages. The value of action parameter of turnstile.render call
data String No* Required for Cloudflare Challenge pages. The value of cData parameter of turnstile.render call
pagedata String No* Required for Cloudflare Challenge pages. The value of chlPageData parameter of turnstile.render call

TurnstileTask task type specification

TurnstileTask extends TurnstileTaskProxyless adding a set of proxy-related parameters listed below

Property Type Required Description
proxyType String Yes Proxy type:
proxyAddress String Yes Proxy IP address or hostname
proxyPort Integer Yes Proxy port
proxyLogin String No Login for basic authentication on the proxy
proxyPassword String No Password for basic authentication on the proxy

Request examples

Method: createTask
API endpoint:

Standalone Captcha

TurnstileTaskProxyless request example

    "task": {

TurnstileTask request example

    "task": {

Cloudflare Challenge Pages

TurnstileTaskProxyless request example

    "task": {
        "action": "managed",
        "data": "80001aa1affffc21",
        "pagedata": "3gAFo2l...55NDFPRFE9"

TurnstileTask request example

    "task": {
        "action": "managed",
        "data": "80001aa1affffc21",
        "pagedata": "3gAFo2l...55NDFPRFE9",

Response example

Method: getTaskResult
API endpoint:

    "errorId": 0,
    "status": "ready",
    "solution": {
        "token": "0.zrSnRHO7h0HwSjSCU8oyzbjEtD8p.d62306d4ee00c77dda697f959ebbd7bd97",
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "cost": "0.00145",
    "ip": "",
    "createTime": 1692863536,
    "endTime": 1692863556,
    "solveCount": 1

Code examples


require(__DIR__ . '/../src/autoloader.php');

$solver = new \TwoCaptcha\TwoCaptcha('YOUR_API_KEY');

try {
    $result = $solver->turnstile([
        'sitekey' => '3x00000000000000000000FF',
        'url'     => '',
} catch (\Exception $e) {

import sys
import os


from twocaptcha import TwoCaptcha

api_key = os.getenv('APIKEY_2CAPTCHA', 'YOUR_API_KEY')

solver = TwoCaptcha(api_key)

    result = solver.turnstile(

except Exception as e:

    sys.exit('solved: ' + str(result))
require 'api_2captcha'

client ="YOUR_API_KEY")

result = client.turnstile({
sitekey: '3x00000000000000000000FF',
pageurl: ''